January 19, 2025

NVT Health

Health Blog

Make the Best Choice with a NordicTrack Elliptical


You might just need a NordicTrack elliptical machine to get in shape. You can spend a few hundred dollars on a basic one or several thousand dollars on a top-of-the-line one. How much you have to spend on the elliptical machine of your dreams will depend on the features you want or don’t want. 

Do you have enough space for your elliptical machine? 

For easy storage, some models fold. You must measure your space to determine the size of the elliptical machine you can fit if you intend to leave it outside. Some of the machines from NordicTrack are only half as old as those from competing brands. For example, you might look for an excellent entry-level Nordictrack Studio Elliptical

With a 16-pound flywheel, it has a front-drive configuration, which many people prefer over a rear-drive. 

The console is uncluttered and straightforward, however, there includes a media shelf where you can put your phone or tablet. 

Therefore, you may use your tablet to access the internet, watch YouTube videos, or join iFit to run on trails all over the world. 

There are some models from NordicTrack with adjustable stride lengths. When you wish to be able to take longer strides and burn more calories, you are no longer restricted to taking regular-sized steps. To tailor your workout to your unique demands, you’ll also want to be able to modify the resistance. You might want extra resistance once you’ve been using your elliptical machine for a while. 

Which type of warranty are you in need of? 

A lot of new machines come with 10-year or even lifetime guarantees if you buy them directly from the manufacturer. If a used machine fails after a month and the warranty isn’t transferrable, you can initially save money but wind up having to pay a lot for service and new parts. 

For your MP3 player, do you need a dock? 

Along with speakers, NordicTrack offers this on a few versions. They claim that their docks are global, so your new NordicTrack should operate with any MP3 player, name brand, or knockoff. 

Do you worry that you won’t utilize your computer because you become tired of it? 

NordicTrack provides iFIT, a pre-planned workout created by a licensed personal trainer. It changes your resistance by the pre-programmed settings, and it even includes a voice that will talk you through the exercise and keep you inspired. These predetermined routines are so many that you could utilize a different one every day of the month without using the same one again.