Testosterone enanthate has another name that is testosterone heptanoate. Usually, steroids have androgenic or anabolic but testosterone enanthate has two steroids that are anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS). The anabolic drug is used to build muscles and androgenic helps to enhance sexual interaction for men. Visit Official Website to get medicines at cheap price
This steroid is taken for increasing their testosterone level if their testosterone level is low. This drug is available only on a prescription basis. This drug helps the body produce its testosterone. testosterone enanthate is an anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS) but androgenic which is a testosterone hormone used to increase sex drive is more strong than anabolic effects that are used for building muscles. this drug is used for replacement theory for testosterone ( TRT) in cisgender men who have hypogonadism that is whose ability to make testosterone is decreased. So this article helps you to understand how to use this drug, why this drug is used, the heavy and mild side effects of using this drug, and the cancer risk of using this drug.
- When the man gets an injury or infection or cancer of the testes it may lead to low testosterone levels.
- Some disorders like Klinefelter syndrome and hypothalamus and pituitary gland diseases may also lead to low levels of testosterone
- When the person undergoes radiation and chemotherapy it may lead to decreased ability to make testosterone.
- Transgender men used this drug for hormone therapy
- Anti-aging therapy in older cis-men.
( andropause- it is a condition in which a drop in testosterone level due to age above 50 in cis-men )
Testosterone enanthate comes in 5 ml which is yellow or clear fluid glass vail.
This drug is injected into the back muscle one to four weeks in a row.
Lower doses are often recommended to avoid extreme changes in hormone levels and avoid mood swings.
Individual dosages may vary, however, the following is a common example: 1
- male hypogonadism: 50mg – 400mg every 2 to 4 weeks
- delayed puberty(men) :5 – 200 mg every 2 to 4 weeks for 6 months
- metastatic breast cancer: 200 to 400 mg every 2 to 4 weeks
- transgender hormone treatment : 50 to 200 mg every week
Typical Side Effects
- Pain and edema at the injection location
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Changes in mood, especially hostility
- Anxiety or depression
- sex desire increased or diminished
- Tingling throughout
- Acne and oily skin
- Hair loss and weight increase
If the dose is lowered, the intensity of the adverse effects may lessen for some people.
Severe side effects
Long-term usage is linked to less prevalent, but potentially more significant adverse effects.
Some of these are linked to its androgenic properties. Heart and liver problems are possible side effects.
- Hair loss in the male pattern
- Hair growth in the masculine pattern in individuals born feminine (hirsutism)
- Breast enlargement in males (gynecomastia)
- Amenorrhea and other menstrual irregularities
- Clitoral expansion
- Prolonged erections that hurt (priapism)
- difficulty peeing or urinating often at night.
- Severe psychiatric symptoms
contact your doctor if you experience these side effects
The use of testosterone, particularly in cis males, may raise the risk of certain medical issues.
Among them are:
- Angina pectoris
- Stroke
- Heart failure with congestion
- The severe liver injury also may occur
- Thrombosis of the deep veins (DVT)
- sleep disorders are given testosterone,
- they are in danger of dying suddenly.
Drug interactions
Drug Interactions Testosterone enanthate interacts with several medications.
- anticoagulants medication
- diabetes medications
- prostate cancer or breast cancer
- pregnancy
If you are hypersensitive to sesame oil or any of the drug’s components, you should avoid using it.
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