February 12, 2025

NVT Health

Health Blog

Well Water vs. City Water 

It is quite remarkable to think that, even in 21st century America, many homeowners are seriously weighing up the pros and cons of well water and municipal water. Many are indeed turning back the clock and think that drawing water from the ground a preferable alternative.

The reason is water contamination, something millions of Americans have in recent years fully woken up to. There is no denying it, America’s municipal water supplies are suffering some serious drawbacks today. 

Synergy Science, a company specializing in alternative water products such as purified water and water infused with diatomic hydrogen, say that after the myriad health benefits many of these products offer, it is a chronic national dissatisfaction with America’s tap water that is driving interest in their products. Depending on where you live, you could be drinking arsenic with your water, lead, excessive fluoride, harmful bacteria, excessive iron, copper and, well, the list goes on… 

This is why there is such interest in well water, which hasn’t been through inadequate water treatment facilitates and which has been drawn from a deeper source and is thereby free from surface level contaminants.

Well Water is Not for Everyone 

With all of that said, it might seem therefore that everyone who can afford to set up an outside well should be getting on the task sooner rather than later. But that is not always the case. For one thing, home water filters can work wonders at removing harmful contaminants. And there are also all the aforementioned water alternatives that you can easily buy. 

But the main reason is that wells are private property, and there are more costs involved than just those to install one. A well takes maintenance and regular testing of the water to ensure that it is safe to drink.

Remember, well water does not have some other authority responsible for regulating its quality, and there are no water treatment plants making it safe to drink. This is certainly something to bear in mind, but there are other alternatives besides well water. 

Pros and Cons 

Here follows a brief comparison of well water and city water:

City Water Benefits 

Despite its shortcomings, city water is heavily regulated and treated. It must meet certain standards before it makes it to you your home, even if those standards are often found to be lacking. There is also the simple matter of it being widely available. 

City Water Drawbacks 

One of the biggest drawbacks of city water is the bills you need to pay to municipal authorities. You can eliminate these bills when using well water. There is also, of course, all the contamination issues that we mentioned above. 

Well Water Benefits 

There are no ongoing bills related to the amount of well water you use, so you will not have to worry about that. There is also the fact that well water sources are usually packed with good “contaminants” such as minerals and nutrients. A well could also boost your property’s value. 

Well Water Drawbacks 

There is a risk of contamination with well water – which will not be dealt with by any municipal authority. Moreover, as mentioned, there is all the maintenance and regular testing you will need to do to deal with this. Wells also use electrical pumps, so there are some electricity costs associated with using one. 

If you are dissatisfied with your tap water, you should certainly move something to do something about it. Well water may or may not be the answer, but it is an attractive enough solution to be used by 13 million U.S. households already. It could be for you.