March 10, 2025

NVT Health

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Eight Things You Should Know Before Becoming a Veterinarian

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Being a veterinarian requires more than just being good with animals and performing routine exams. You should be aware that if you want to work as a veterinarian, you may need to learn how to run a business or work on building relationships. Do have a look at the best veterinary clinic brokers near you

Continue reading to find out a few of the things that current practitioners believe that each person ought to be aware of prior to deciding on this career path.

  1. To become a veterinarian, you must be willing to spend more time with people than you might think.

Interacting with people is an essential part of the job. “Your love of people must go hand in hand with your love of animals,” asserts Dr. Audrey Wystrach, CEO of One Vet. You will communicate significantly more with pet owners than with pets.

This makes perfect sense. All information regarding the pet’s treatment and medical history must be shared by the owner and the veterinarian

  1. You can anticipate working even harder during veterinary school, regardless of how successful you were in college. 

You will learn an astonishing amount of material. The learning curve, according to Dr. Wystrach, was steep.

“The amount of information that one person can absorb in four years is almost unimaginable,” she declares. However, this vast amount of information can be retained; All that’s required of you is to establish disciplined study habits.

“It takes a high level of commitment, but it’s only temporary and worth it in the end,” asserts Dr. White.

  1. Even if you have good communication skills with pet owners, working with animals doesn’t always go according to plan.

A piece of equipment in the exam room might frighten a dog. Alternately, you might end up treating a cat that gets anxious around new people.

According to Dr. Wystrach, “the unique challenge of veterinary medicine is that there is never anything that happens according to plan,” and “to daily expect the unexpected has become my mantra.” Always be ready for the unexpected is my mantra.

  1. On the path to becoming a veterinarian, nontraditional backgrounds abound. 

What surprised Dr. Wystrach the most about veterinary school? “The diverse range of jobs and experiences held by each of my classmates,” she points out.

Except for the shared goal of pursuing veterinary medicine, students can be quite diverse. Some may be thinking about starting a third or fourth job. Others may have families. As a result, you shouldn’t worry about how your pre-vet path might affect how well you do.

  1. In spite of the fact that there are numerous other career options, students of veterinary medicine typically concentrate on one of the main veterinary professions. 

In fact, there are over twenty distinct veterinary specialties that cater to a diverse range of interests. These careers include:

Animal welfare

clinical pharmacology 

emergency and critical care 


preventive medicine 

equine practice 

laboratory animal medicine, 

like Dr. Wystrach, holistic veterinary medicine, public health, and executive leadership are also options for veterinarians. Regardless of your interest, you can work in veterinary medicine.