February 22, 2025

NVT Health

Health Blog

What to Expect When You Go to Rehab

Getting clean and sober doesn’t just mean getting off drugs and alcohol. It means finding the root of your addiction, learning how to handle stress in healthy ways, and practising accountability by telling your friends and family what you’re going through. Addiction rehab centres are the best place to start on this journey, because they provide you with the right kind of environment, resources, and support to make real change in your life. However, rehab can be overwhelming at first, so here’s what to expect when you go to rehab so you know what to do when it’s time to start your new life.

Things to Know Before

The first thing to know before going to rehab is that you are not alone. Addiction affects millions of people every year and has become more socially acceptable than ever before. The effects of addiction can destroy relationships, jobs, and family ties—and when it comes to recovery, there’s nothing shameful about it. In fact, one of your greatest allies in recovery may very well be other recovering addicts who have gone through a similar experience and want to help guide you along your journey back to health.

What Are Your Choices?

The most common types of addiction rehab are outpatient and inpatient. Outpatient rehabilitation means you’ll go through treatment at home, typically under a doctor’s supervision. Inpatient centres are more like full-time treatment centres that involve living on-site. Both options have their pros and cons: Outpatient can help you stick with your treatment plan while allowing you to be independent and continue with your daily routine, but it may not be intense enough for some addicts.

Before You Leave Home

Whether you’re taking your first steps into a 12-step program or attending a more structured rehab facility, there are some things you need to think about before you go. For example, do you have any medical conditions that will complicate your stay? Do you have other people who rely on you financially and emotionally? Do you want family members or close friends at your side for support? These are important questions that should be addressed before going into treatment.

During Treatment

Once you enter treatment, your care will be overseen by a trained medical professional. The length of your stay and treatment plan is decided on a case-by-case basis, but most rehab programs last 28–30 days. This is usually long enough for you to stop using drugs or alcohol and develop coping mechanisms that help prevent relapse. It’s possible you may be released from treatment before your time is up, if you are making positive strides toward recovery.

After Treatment

After you’ve completed treatment at an addiction rehab centre, it’s important to monitor how you feel physically and mentally. Continue to reach out for support; addiction is a chronic disease that often requires long-term treatment, but it can be managed successfully. If your symptoms of addiction return, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor or other medical professional—and consider returning to rehab. Always make sure you stay in touch with friends and family who are integral in helping you battle your addiction. 

Staying Drug Free

Addiction recovery is a process of healing and rebuilding your life. Though addiction rehab is certainly not an easy thing, staying drug-free can give you more energy, confidence and freedom than you ever thought possible. Think about how great it would feel to finally beat your addiction for good—and take control of your life again!

Helpful Resource

Inpatient treatment centers

Outpatient Rehab Centre