February 7, 2025

NVT Health

Health Blog

What Is a V-line Jaw Surgery? All About its Treatment and Procedure

Every surgical method is a little difficult and painful, but when it can change your overall face structure then it is worth it. Just like this v-line jaw surgery can change your jawline and chin and can make it more narrow and contoured. It is said that a V-shaped jaw and chin is all about femininity and female beauty. 

What is a V-line surgery?

V-line jaw surgery is also commonly called a mandibuloplasty. As we mentioned earlier, it is employed to make the jaw line look narrower. The surgeon will remove a small part of your jawbone as well as chin, so that the jaw when healing on its own will look more pointed like “V”. 

How does it work?

V-line jaw surgery is done to revise the angle of your chin as well as jaw. Here the broader part of your mandible bones is removed so that your jaw takes a triangular shape. The lower part of your chin will also be removed so that it looks sharper at the bottom. 

What is the procedure?

The initial step is the consultation where the physician will tell you about the expectations and the results. The surgeon will then mark over the face highlighting the areas that need to be operated on. 

During the surgery, you will be given general anaesthesia where you will not feel the pain. Then the surgeon will make small incisions along your jawline and the chin. Your chin will be placed over a sharper angle and the jaw bone will be shaved off. They might also shave off your chin area. The incisions will then be stitched and your wounds will be dressed. 

The total healing time will be around 1 to 2 hours. The average cost of this procedure is around $10000 (depending on various factors). Even insurance will not cover this.

What are the non-surgical options?

The non-surgical options include a thread lift procedure that will help to pull back your jaw and chin area. There are many different methods to perform this procedure and the traditional one is HIFUThis method aims at the fascia layer and will also have a tightening effect. But the treatment range is very larger.

Other than this some new technologies have been used for this lifting purpose. For example, you have Retens who use only high-end technologies and provide a safe and efficient service. They use the technology called Rose V-line, which is a fifth-generation needle less thread or 無針埋線. This is equipped with 4 different probes for lifting and tightening at different positions. 

What are the benefits of thread lifts?

Just like we said that HIFU 效果 or any other technology has its benefits. One thing is that you will see an instant effect. Just like surgical facelifts, here there is no downtime. And lastly, the effects can last for a longer duration of time. 

The ideal candidate who is eligible for this jawline surgery is a non-smoker with an active lifestyle. He must not be having any previous history of bleeding or autoimmune conditions.

This procedure is a major one, but the complications involved is very low. You might suffer from some infections or small side effects.