February 7, 2025

NVT Health

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Are You Suffering from Corns and Calluses? A Few Remedies to Treat the Problem

young afro woman use Foot Massage Machine for relaxation, and helps to relieve pain and improve blood circulation. Professional physiotherapist with strong hands performing foot massage.

The skin develops calluses and corns as a result of frequent pressure, rubbing, or irritability. Shoes that don’t fit properly are the main culprit. The majority of cases of corns or calluses can be avoided with a little amount of care and attention.

You may visit Dr. Sima Soltani Podiatry Office in Irvine for your corn removal Orange County.

What are Calluses?

Calluses develop on the skin as a result of repeated strain or friction. Although they can develop anywhere on the body, the hands and feet are the most common sites. Someone who plays a stringed instrument, like a guitar or violin may develop calluses as a type of defense.

What are Corns?

Calluses and corns differ slightly from one another, but they can appear and feel very similar. Calluses are larger than corns, which form on the bottom of the foot as opposed to the sides and tops. Calluses lack this bigger, more intensely dry, thick skin center that is characteristic of corns.

Who can get corns or calluses?

You have a more chance to develop corns or calluses in case:

  • You already have certain medical conditions that have changed the normal alignment of your bones in the feet.
  • You normally walk without socks.
  • You wear shoes that can be too narrow for your foot.
  • You smoke cigarettes.

Treatments and home remedies

When the friction stops, most calluses gradually disappear. Some people would rather have them removed than wait for them to fade since they find them to be ugly.

The following advice is provided by the American Academy of Dermatology for treating calluses:

  • In order to make the skin softer, soak the area in warm water for 5–10 minutes.
  • The feet should be dipped in warm water and use a pumice stone to remove the dead skin. It is ideal to move in a circular or lateral fashion.
  • Take care to simply scrape off a small portion of skin. A callus that has been removed could bleed and become infected.
  • Hard calluses can be gradually loosened by moisturizing every day with a lotion or cream containing salicylic acid, ammonium lactate, or urea.
  • Try cushioning to prevent calluses from growing worse.

Calluses can also be lowered or eliminated with the aid of bandages, pads, and other treatments containing salicylic acid. The use of items, such as bandages, on the feet should be done with caution if the person has a condition that affects the nerves or circulation in the feet.

If a callus is large, painful, or obstructing daily activities, it is wise to consult a doctor for callus removal Irvine. To stop the callus from growing again, the doctor could shave off a portion of the hardened skin and suggest wearing special shoes.

It is crucial to keep a callus clean and covered while it heals if it bleeds or cracks. It works well to apply petroleum jelly, such as simple Vaseline, to the region and then cover it with a Band-Aid. This will aid in preventing infection and fostering recovery.

A Podiatrist may suggest laser callus removal Orange County if the condition is too serious.