February 7, 2025

NVT Health

Health Blog

What to Know Before Getting a Weight Loss Medication

As many in America continue to struggle with weight loss, there are new methods coming out to make the process easier. Those who do not want to go through invasive and time-consuming procedures like liposuction might consider getting a prescription for weight loss drugs instead.

Though once only available to diabetic patients, there are options offered to those dealing with obesity, both on and off-label. But you cannot just start using any medicine without understanding how they work and how to use them. Before contacting your doctor or an online medical center like Ivím Health, use the following article as a guideline to make sure treatment is right for you.

Different Types of Medication

Currently, there are three types of weight loss drugs on the market. All are GLP-1 medications that repress hunger pangs.

  • The most common type is semaglutide, available to diabetics (Ozempic and Rybelsus) and non-diabetics (Wegovy). These are typically taken once a week.
  • Another common type of medication is liraglutide, which comes in the form of Victoza and Saxenda. These are given to diabetics and taken more frequently than a semaglutide, used once a day instead.
  • The newest addition is tirzepatide, which was approved in 2022. Coming in the form of Mounjaro, it is only officially FDA-regulated for people with diabetes but can be prescribed off-label for others. In addition to its hunger prerecession, tirzepatide helps to break down fats and sugars.


Aside from the fact that there are different types of weight loss drugs, the ways they are taken also differ. Though liraglutide and tirzepatide both come in injectables, semaglutide can be prescribed as a shot or as a pill. However, the choice you make will change how fast you see effects.

This is due to bio-availability, which refers to the potency of a drug. Injectables are shot directly into the bloodstream, meaning that they are able to work almost immediately, while pills need to be absorbed after being ingested. This means that Rybelsus weight loss will be slower than an Ozempic treatment. Because of this, Ivím Health only gives its patients’ injection prescriptions.

Results Take Time

Even though we would all love to lose weight with the snap of our fingers, that is not how reality works. You have to be patient, as any medication takes time so your body can get used to its effects. When taking weight loss medicine, it will take a month or two, along with increased dosages.

As Ivím Health has found with its clients, after a year of use, changes can become very significant. For example, semaglutide patients have a reduction of around 15% in body fat, and tirzepatide has helped lower body fat by 22%.

You Can Get Help Online

One barrier that many who want to take advantage of weight loss medication deal with are trying to get a prescription. Whether they don’t have a PCP or health coverage, they might not think there is any hope for them. However, there are now health care providers online that can provide prescriptions, even without insurance.

It is easy to understand why America’s #1 online weight loss center is Ivím Health. They personalize your care in every way, including the provider that you work with. After taking an onboarding assessment, you will be matched with an expert who can find you the right medicine along with guidance on customized diet and exercise strategies. All information can be found in one handy app that also helps you track your progress to keep you motivated.

So your medicine doesn’t cost you your entire life savings, Ivím Health also offers accessibility programs that allow you to get your prescriptions with discounts of around 20%. The initial three months can be lowered down to another 40-50%, too! Furthermore, your prescriptions will be sent right to the pharmacy within two days of payment so that you can get started right away.

There might be many ways to lose weight, but sometimes it takes a combination of processes to get the results you want. When exercise and healthy eating are not enough, look into Ivím Health’s program to see if it is available in your state. See what makes them stand above its competitors and get started on a healthier and happier lifestyle.